Ryan, Nathan and I headed to Delaware early to play Brandywine. It was still morning but the heat was already oppressive, hence the turban on Nate. Although I had to spend some time searching for discs during the first few holes, I was doing pretty well.

We were joined by Mike, a guy who was playing solo, for the back nine. He was a nice guy and much better than us at the game. It was cloudy for most of the rest of the game so it wasn't so bad.

After getting some lunch we came back to the park and took one of the trails. The worst part was the extremely steep grade at the very beginning. Luckily after making it through that it was fairly easy going.

There were a few less steep climbs and little stream to cross on the fairly short trail. It was shady along the path so that made us happy. Happy enough to whistle in unison. I hope someone heard us.

We almost took another path farther into the park but decided that we should call it a day and do something more refreshing.

Once we got back to town Nathan and I went to Flipper's Custard for banana ice cream. This is a small. I'm pretty sure it would be hard to put much more on there and still have it stable. I presume that they charge you for whatever size you order but give you the same amount. Or the ice cream girl liked us. Whichever is more likely.

We met up at Ryan's aunt's to go swimming. It felt great to get in the pool even though the air conditioning in the car cooled us down on the way home. Nathan discovered the fun of a waterproof camera.

We took a lot of videos doing stupid things in the water and tested our skills at shooting water from our hands and laying down on the bottom of the pool. It was a lot of fun. We hung out in the gazebo for a while to dry off and chat while Nathan made a whistle out of a blade of grass.

I got a message from Brian inviting me to play ultimate frisbee again so Ryan and I jumped at the chance. We got there on time which, it turned out, was far too early. We admired the great playground in the park that had a climbing pole, which we would like to have. We did an arm hang slalom around the swings until people showed up.

Once Troy, Jess and Laura were there and we had a frisbee to throw around we practiced a bit and realized that we were not doing so well. Throwing disc golf discs really makes it feel odd to throw regular frisbees. After throwing it a few different ways I started to get the hang of it but I still wasn't really happy with it.

Once Brian and a few others showed up we broke into two teams and took to the field. I'm not sure why but this game was so much more fun than last time. I felt like I was playing much better. I got to make a good amount of plays and score a few times. I was totally drenched in sweat by the end. I wish we could play this much more often.

I met Shannon for a swim when I got back home. We snacked on some hummus and pita chips poolside before getting in.

The water felt great and I was enjoying my beer quite a bit. We decided against attempting a two person whirlpool and just drank and played basketball with an inner tube instead. By the time we got out we were pruny.

I was completely dead tired when I got home and I barely remember lying down before falling asleep. Great day.
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