Currently there are no jobs available. Or that's what Subfinder kept telling me all morning as I called to try to get a job. I went to Parvin's for a run. I ran most of the way around but I had a sharp pain in my side at one point that was different than the one I get sometimes while running so I decided to take it easy for a bit. Thankfully after I let it subside and started running again it didn't return.

I spent some time reading at home until Erika was ready to try out some cooking. We had a recipe and ingredients. And an appetite. So we boiled some noodles and mixed some vegetables.

I think I pulled my weight in the kitchen. I had fun while doing it as well. Once we threw our creation into the oven we watched Cash Cab and Jeopardy to pass some time and get ready for trivia.

The veggie lasagna came out of the oven looking great... and it tasted amazing. I guess we're pretty good cooks. There was a lot of it too so I had plenty of leftovers to keep reminding myself.

We went to Quizzo and had ourselves some giant brownies with ice cream. They were good as well but it was too much. Diebra's friend, Katie, joined us while our Katie overslept and missed the game! We didn't do so well at this week's game. Only third place.

After Quizzo I felt that I needed to work off some of that brownie (and probably the lasagna too) so we went for a midnight run. It wasn't as long as I usually go but it was really nice out. Ryan and I went for a long walk around Vineland enjoying the weather.
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