I went to Shannon's in the morning and then proceeded to the Sea Isle yacht club to which she belongs so we could take out their kayaks. Unfortunately the paddles and seats were locked up with no one around to get them for us. We walked along the path near the beach, passing the evil beach taggers who kept eying us up like we were going to sprint past them onto the beach at any moment.

After realizing there was nothing else to do and drinks (and ATM fees) are overpriced, we came back to her house to eat hummus and watch Dexter. It seemed a suitable fill-in for kayaking.

Once I got back to town Erika and I headed up to Infinite in Philly so she could get her nose pierced. After picking out her stud (and the jewelry she was going to wear) they took us to a back room and got it done. The guy who did it, Kyle, was really cool and knowledgeable so everything went smoothly. She didn't even flinch.

I think it looks really good.

We went to Paddy Whacks for some food. I got a cheesetastic Irish Stout onion soup. It was good but it's really hard to eat. We even got half off our bill because it took a while to come out. Score.

We walked back to the car in the blazing heat and tried to figure out what to do. The smoothie place that we parked near had closed but I certainly need to go back there and see how good they are.

I knew the bubble house was closing really soon so we went to get some tea. I wish I got the one Erika did. Pineapple much better in heat than milky red bean.

This picture is blurry but while swimming at Ryan's aunt's I was able to stand up on Ryan's shoulders and he lifted me out of the water. I'll have to get a better photo next time we do it but it was done! You can see Ryan's head.

The rest of the night was uneventful except for a few mile run I did around my neighborhood. It's a good way to turn a nice, cool night into a sweaty mess.
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