Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dec 19, 2009

This is what the outside looked like in the afternoon. The snow just kept falling hard all day. Just wind and big snowflakes.

We didn't even really consider going outside. It was a lazy day with packing, sleeping and the internet.

This is what the campus looked like once the snow had basically stopped. It was very peaceful and pretty.

We went to sleep with plans to get up early even though I wasn't looking forward to going out into the snow and leaving.


Joanna said...

even sammy and liz look just as lazy as we were that day.

D.M. said...

except liz is holding on for dear life... sammy gave up in the night time. Or the morning. I have no idea what time anything happened actually.

Joanna said...

liz isn't a quitter. hahaha neither do i. it was always somewhat dark and we were always in bed.