Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Jun 25, 2013

I spent all day editing Dave and Chelsea's wedding photos because I wait too long to actually get started. The only way I can assure myself that I'll get it done is by imposing a finish date and then I get to work. So I went through the tons of photos I shot and did my tweaks and edits to each one. I really like a lot of the shots so I was happy.

I needed to get away from the computer after so many hours so I went over to Silver Run for a run on the trails. I took the long trail and looped through the other trails to end up on the other far side where I encountered some wildlife. I saw two turtles. This guy was right in the middle of the trail and then I saw another huge turtle off to the side. I mean, he was big. When I was almost back to the parking area I saw a skunk meander across the trail and slowly walk into the grass. Pretty sweet day for a run here.

I went back home and continued powering through the editing. I was in the zone at this point so I was getting things done. Once everything was finished I breathed a sigh of relief and took them over to Dave's to show them. They seemed happy with the shots so my work here was done.

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