Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Nov 8, 2011

I worked at the Senior High for a special ed. class. The day went pretty quickly and I went up to Rowan and shot some photos of leaves for a while. They're going away too soon.

I helped Christy work out how to do her sculpture project and went to get cement then mixed it up and poured it around her boots. It was fun working on something sculptural again. I need to start doing that again. Really.

We went to get some food at the Bus Stop Cafe and watched the open mic entertainment. There were some jazzy musicians and some indie guitarists, but the best was this kid from Rowan who sang show tunes. He was amazing.

We came back to the student center and played a few games of pool while we waited for the cement to dry. I think we both won a game. I was surprised at how well I did in any case.

We went back to the stream at Westby and strung up the plaster casts of fish that Christy made using fishing line. They hung above the stream where I had to stack up rocks to make a platform for the boots to sit on. The cemented boots looked great sitting in the water. It would be easier to see in the daylight.

After hanging out for a while longer I headed home. It was a good day. I miss working on things.

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