Friday, April 29, 2011

Apr 29, 2011

After taking care of some e-mails that I've needed to answer for quite a while and editing some photos, I went out for a run on a beautiful day. My knee had been hurting, but running makes it feel better somehow. I took the basic trail that we took during the 5K except starting at my house instead.

After the run I went back down the trail for a quick walk and took some photos of the trail and the flowers. I liked this one with both phases of a dandelion.

Later, I met Joanna and we went to a place called Thai Chili. They were very friendly and even their food was smiling. Mmm spring rolls.

The food looked amazing and was presented really nicely. My rice was shaped like a heart. The eggplant dish that I had was great. And I got an orange for dessert. Win. And Foursquare gave us a discount. Thanks!

When we got back we stopped at Margaret's show at the High Street Gallery. She had up her paintings on cut wood. They all looked great. She's really good. There was another person's paintings up as well that were nice. I'm always impressed by painting.

I spent the rest of the night in Westby with Alex editing my photos for finals. I changed my ideas a few times about what exactly I wanted to do for it.

I came home pretty late, but there was no need to get to bed early, or so I thought.

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