Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jan 19, 2011

I went to school, using my new parking pass for the first time and realizing that it's not all it's cracked up to be considering the horrible parking situation in the lots. I went to Sculpture, where we basically discussed how our break was and what we wanted to do this semester.

I had my first session with a permanent therapist today also; unfortunately it was just an intake interview again so I had to go through the basic questions without getting into anything specific. I probably won't mention any of this stuff on here again.

I headed home after getting a few more things done at Westby and Jeff and Chuck picked me up for the weekly quiz at PJ Whelihan's. We did pretty horribly somehow on a lot of the rounds, including the ones we though we did well on. We did manage to tie for fifth or sixth place though.

I couldn't sleep at all so I ran for three miles on the treadmill and then headed outside because I was bored and ran another few miles around town. I still couldn't sleep when I got back but I drifted off at some point shortly before I had to get up.

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