I did some sleeping in after the late party last night and lazed around a bit after I woke up. I felt like getting out of the house so I took a bike ride around town and then headed for my mom's house in Bridgeton. It was a nice day for a ride.

Sam was having her annual Independence Day barbecue so we went over to join in the festivities. She grilled up some vegetables to make a delicious wrap and then I challenged Jeff to a game of horseshoes. He was ahead at the beginning but I came from behind to win with a ringer and a leaner to take the game.
SamBakes had some delicious cupcakes out for us. Banana. Peanut butter. Awesome.

We played a few games of "ladder ball" as the kids like to call it. I think it's more fun in the dark when you have no idea if you're about to get nailed with balls.. yeah. I don't remember who won. That usually means I lost, right?

I was asked to get the fire started so I did so. Chuck watched. The fire was a little harder to start than the one last night but once it started it was much easier to maintain. We need to get some bigger logs for our next fire.

Sam busted out the fireworks (well, sparkler) and we celebrated the Fourth of July like true Americans.

Nathan wanted a closer look so he slipped on his shades and stared down his sparkler until it couldn't spark any longer. You tell 'em, Nate.

Sam brought us some marshmallow roastin' equipment and we got down to business. Everyone had s'mores but I stuck with a single, well-roasted marshmallow. I'm very particular about how it's done and the chocolate in s'mores is too much for me. It was a tasty mallow though.

A short time later, a surprise guest showed up with more sparklers! Katie let us light those as well and we had another go at it. She also brought Catchphrase! I love that game.

After a few hours of "I woke up sporting Elijah Wood" and "Twenty Questions.." we all left around midnight. 'Twas a good Fourth. Merry Independence to you!
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