Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Apr 27, 2010

I began the day by having blueberry waffles and melting pens together to create a hand for my sculpture project. I think the fumes made me a little out of it for a while.

I headed up to school early to get some work done and spent most of my time trying to figure out where to hang my sculpture once I decided to slightly change it and then trying to learn how to use Adobe Encore to make my DVD for the project. I stopped for a lunch break when we went over to the office and had a burnt sort-of-falafel. Nothing really compares once you've had Maoz (or Cheapz).

I found a suitable home for my self-portrait in the photo room. I hung things up to make sure they would work out and then I removed all of the valuables that would surely be stolen if left overnight.

I had Modern Art and then by the time Graphic Design started, Brian and I were starving so we ordered a pizza to eat while watching people's presentations. My poster went over really well, everyone liked it as much as I do.

This is it. I feel like it's pretty self-explanatory. I plan on doing some more in this series and hanging/posting them all over. Feel free to take it and post it anywhere if you'd like.

Once the long critiques were over I spent the rest of the night cutting, pasting and mounting all of my work for the BFA review. I think it all came out looking pretty good but I was tired of looking at it after a while.

It was time to catch up on Glee and fall asleep after that was done so I could get up to Rowan early.

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