Friday, January 8, 2010

Jan 8, 2010

After having a bagel in the morning and hanging out for a while, I headed home. I had some food when I got home and got on the internets.

Chuck picked me up and we met Jeff, Sam, Blake and Ali at the North Bowl in Philly. It was pretty sweet little bowling alley with a nice atmosphere.

We did our best to bowl like normal despite the abundance of hipsters bowling next to us focusing on their awesome approach rather than how many pins they were hitting. I did pretty well the first game. About my usual. The second game I waited until the end to start doing well. I would definitely go back for more, even just to hang out in the lounge.

When I came home, I looked for Battleship on Facebook and there it was! We played a few matches and it turns out I win more when we play online.

Online scrabble, packing for skiing weekend and a run punctuated my day. I never get to bed early enough.


Joanna said...

Ahh you mentioned a lounge! I knew it! It looks really nice in there anyway and small. I would definitely want to go.
Oh shit, maybe this means I would beat you in real life Scrabble... I'm going to see this week if my sister has it or anything else good that I could steal back.

D.M. said...

Do it... I'd say we'll need some games to play at school but I feel like we're going to be somewhat busy for the next 3.8 months.. I'm sure we can fit in some Scrabble.

Joanna said...

Yeahhh I agree, but I'm sure we'll need a little break sometimes. As if all the shows we're going to aren't a nice break enough haha