Saturday, January 2, 2010

Jan 2,2010

I was going to go home in the morning when Joanna went to work but I woke up late and somehow it was decided that I was staying so I spent the day lounging. I finished my book and really liked the ending. I watched an episode of Scrubs and House and looked things up online and the time went by surprisingly quickly.

I decided we should go get food when she got home from work so we went to Chili's and got an onion/jalapeno appetizer while deciding. I got a veg burger but I wish I got the fajita with the black bean burger replacing the steak like Joanna did. It was so good. I'll know that for next time though.

The rest of the night was similar to the last few. We looked up things to do and planned things before sleeping.


Joanna said...

You should have stolen some of my food. We could have split half.

Hahah the nights sound so boring, but I think we got a lot more done than we thought we would, luckily.

D.M. said...

We did get a lot done.. just not a lot that would be interesting for anyone else to read about.. I say as if a bunch of other people read this.

Joanna said...

Hahah mehhh... people are preeetty interested about what we're doing. At least aside from the disc golf part I'd say. Also, if you feel that way, no need to make a blog for during the trip...

D.M. said...

hahaaaa.. i think people are really interested in what we do... just mostly when we actually do the stuff not so much the details of what goes into actually planning it all...

Joanna said...

alright alright mr. logical. i guess you make a good point. it's still exciting stuff though haha

D.M. said...

I mean I could post EVERYthing we do but that would require me to take some more photos.. and a parental advisory sticker for my site.. so, in short, I can do that. =D

Joanna said...

truuuuue... you could. you'd probably get way more readers. not like taking more photos is such a hassle. i'm down.