Sunday, February 10, 2008

Feb 9, 2008

The backseat was very small...

My day didn't really consist of much until the night time. I got a burrito from Katie at the Looking Glass, then came home and watched Oz, and later, Gone Baby Gone (which is really good,) until it was time to meet Jimmy and leave for their show at The Fire in Philly. I had never been there before but it's a cool little venue. There weren't many people there at first, but once Jennell and the Yets started up, the crowd had grown quite a bit. We stuck around for a little bit of the next band's set. They're called Palominos, from Richmond, and they're really quite good from what we heard. We had to drop Nathan's friend off on the way home, so Maureen, Nathan and I piled into the back of Jimmy's small car for a ride through center city. We got some Dunkin' Donuts on the way home and played a game of URU with Nathan before calling it a night. Night.

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